Sunday, March 26, 2006

Two Circles

I have a very small friends circle which already has no room for more members and a bigger social circle which seems to be expanding.These two circles are a part of my life yet are miles apart .

For me, my circle of friends consist of people who were in school and college with me.People i grew up with ,went to school with ,shared my lunch box or ate up theirs, bunked classes in college with them ,killed time in college cafeteria with them,people who shouted "Yes Maam "for me when my name was called out (proxy attendence)while i was away sleeping in my hostel room ,people who taught me to hitch free rides and people who taught me to party hard.These are the people i cherish each day! i have not met many of them since years... Yet the bond is still strong !

My ever increasing social circle consists of people i have met just by chance and not so much by choice -mostly people working with my husband and their families.Its a formal relationship which is about lunches and parties,formal get togethers and usual weekend getaways!

I miss my circle of freinds and cherish the times i spend with threm !
Hope to meet them very soon!

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