Asha for Education-Bringing hope through education
I spend this saturday afternoon attending the general body meeting of Asha-New-York chapter.Asha is a group of volunteers who raise money here in the city of New -York by organising various events and then fund education projects in India.
I must admit i was amazed by this dynamic group-Most of them are in their 20's-young professionals working with Lehman Bros,Meryll Lynch,some doing their MS in noted universities ,some are software professionals and some are architects.
This enthusiastic group had met on a saturday afternoon to discuss an education project seeking funding for a school in the slums of Delhi.
I was truly impressed-This young crowd who works off like mad on weekdays could have easily chosen to hang around Manhattan on a beautiful afternoon and Party.
Yet- here they were -thinking about -Children who pick up muck and dirt in the streets of Delhi and thinking what fast track education could do to transform their lives.
These young Indians i would say are true citizens of India(so what if most of them have green cards and speak with a heavy accent).
They fondly remember their country and truly believe and live by the motto -Be the change you want to see!